Post Secret 11-02-08

Please, please, please GO VOTE TODAY! It’s our chance to make a difference!

10 responses to “VOTE!

  1. Just voted!! Except now I smell like old people and i’m crushed I didn’t get a sticker 😦 😦


  2. I’ll be doing my duty
    as an American around 3.
    Placing my vote…and
    hoping for a better
    future! Hollla.

    PS…I see you started
    reading The Pact. Enjoyyy.
    It’s really well-written!
    But so very disturbing.
    I read it in a night because
    I just needed to know what
    was next. Looking forward to
    your reaction!

  3. It is pretty amazing, isn’t it??

  4. Sigh. I don’t get to vote. For some reason this really shocks me. I mean, I know that as a Canadian it makes sense but I’ve been following it all so closely… sometimes I wish I could take a test on it all and if I passed I could vote. This makes me sound weird so I’m going to stop.

  5. Also, I read “the Pact”, tell me what you think of it when you are done! I just finished “Perfect Match” (by the same author). It was good, but disturbing!

  6. I agree! Today feels like a historic day!

  7. Voted 🙂

    I saw on your sidebar that you’re reading The Pact. It’s actually the only one of her novels that I haven’t read yet. Let me know what you think of it!

  8. love it. i voted!

  9. Your state made a difference. Thank you!

  10. Yes a very historic day!! I voted and felt so accomplished after!

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